Hericium clathroides
[Given as accepted species in Index Species Fungorum. Most workers consider this to be a synonym for coralloides. Some (such as Thongbai et alia 2015) reserve clathroides for a New Zealand find that is most often housed in Australian herbariums as coralloides, or some workers (such as Maas Geesteranus) limit coralloides to being a conifer lover, and ignore the reports of hardwood loving coralloides in North America, Asia, Australia, NZ and Europe. Some recognize clathroides AND coralloides. Additional confusions between alpestre and coralloides may also exist.]
Abies sp. (fir) Tanchaud 2015 (France) (as = H. ramosum).
Betula pendula (white birch) Cybertruffle’s Robigalia citing Astapenko & Kutafyeva 1990 (Russia) (as = H. clathroides).
Betula, Fagus and Quercus Thongbai et alia 2015 (New Zealand).
Fagus sylvatica (beech) Bisko et alia 2016 (Moldavia, Czech Republic); Stasińska 1999 (NW Poland); “Fallen decayed trunks of Fagus sylvatica and other deciduous trees, and exceptionally on Abies” Hallenberg 1983 (Sweden).
Populus tremula (quaking aspen) Ginns 1985 (Sweden); Cybertruffle’s Robigalia cited Astapenko 1990:290. (1 record from Russia).
Quercus incane [sic] Karun & Sridhar 2016 citing Thind & Khara 1975 (Himachal Pradesh, India). [Quercus incana is now Q. leucotrichophora.]
“Galio sylvatici-Carpinetum with Fagus”, “Deschampsio flexuosae-Fagetum (=Fago-Quercetum, Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum)”.
Lisiewska 2006 (Poland) (as = Hericium ramosum).
“ad truncos pineos putridos inventum.” [“Found on rotten pine trunks.”] Persoon 1794 (Russia near Ob River).
The host accounts given suggest a re-examination of either identifications or synonyms might be in order.
Atlas of Living Australia lists:
39 records from NSW, Australia; many of which were submitted as H. clathroides;
34 records from Queensland, Australia; many submitted as H. clathroides;
56 records from Victoria, Australia; many submitted as H. clathroides;
67 records from New Zealand; the vast majority as Hericium clathroides. (There are 8 additional records as Hericium sp.).
The majority of those were on hardwoods but that is not true for all of them.
More details can be found in the H. coralloides softwood hosts reports list.
See also tthe entry for H. flagellum (which includes the former entries for H. alpestre).