Hericium cirrhatum
[Increasingly accepted name for Creolophus cirrhatus.]
Acer platanoides
Acer spp.
Aesculus hippocastanum
Alnus incana
Alnus nepalensis
Betula pendula
Betula spp.
Carpinus betulus
Eucalyptus sp. (?)
Euodia lunuankeenda [now = Melicope lunu-ankenda]
Fagus spp.
Fagus sylvatica
Fraxinus spp.
Populus spp.
Populus tremula
Prunus sp.
Quercus robur
Quercus spp.
Salix spp.
Salix caprea
Salix fragilis
Sambucus sp.
Sorbus aucuparia
Tilia sp.
Ulmus spp.
Acer spp., Betula spp., Fagus sylvatica and Quercus spp. “Fallen or cut trunks and branches; damaged parts of standing trees.” Boddy et alia 2011 (UK).
Acer platanoides (Norway maple), Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse-chestnut), Alnus incana (grey alder), Salix caprea (pussy willow), Salix fragilis (crack willow), Sorbus aucuparia (mountain-ash), Quercus robur (European oak), Ulmus spp. (elm) mentioned as occasional Scandinavian host trees; a report on Sambucus (Norway) [citing Gulden & Stordal 1973] Koski-Kotiranta & Niemelä 1988 (Scandinavia).
Alnus nepalensis (Nepalese alder) “on decaying wood” Das & Sharma 2009-2010 (Sikkim, India).
“in the crevices of live Euodia lunuankeenda tree trunk” Karun & Sridhar 2016 (Western Ghats of Karnataka, India).
Eucalyptus sp. (Host ID given as “probably”) “On standing trunk.” Atlas of Living Australia (Queensland, Australia)
Fagus sylvatica, Populus sp., & Quercus sp. mentioned as hosts in Bisko et alia 2016 (Ukraine).
Fagus & Quercus mentioned as hosts in Rastetter 1983 (France).
Populus sp. “on poplar trees” Doğan et alia 2005 (Turkey).
Quercus sp. trees on “dead wood” Afyon et alia 2005 (Turkey).
Tanchaud 2011 commented on only one find occurring on “hardwood” in France. Tanchaud 2018 added a 2nd collection on an oak branch.
Oaks (“sur chêne”) Bourdot & Galzin 1927 (France); (“chênes”) Michel 2007 (France).
“on a decaying trunk of an oak” Das & Sharma 2009-2010 (Uttarakhand, India).
Salix sp. (willow) “branch” Doğan & Öztürk 2006 (Karaman, Turkey).
Tilia sp. (tilden) “stump” Doll 1979. Also on Fagus. (Germany)
“By far the most commonest host genus [in Scandinavia] is Betula (69.5%) [Norway 73.7%; Sweden 61.3% and Finland 73.2%], followed by Populus (25%) [Norway 15.8%; Sweden 29% and Finland 24.1%]”; “In Denmark […] found on Fagus sylvatica only”; “most frequent hosts are Fagus sylvatica, Betula species and Carpinus betulus” (Central & South Europe and European USSR); also found on “species of Quercus and Prunus”; Nine host trees were reported in Germany [citing Kriesel 1987]. Koski-Kotiranta & Niemelä 1988.
“predominantly saprophytic, but it sometimes seems to grow as a parasite of living trees, emerging from fairly large and fresh wounds. C. cirrhatus appears within a few years after the tree has fallen or has been felled […] frequent occurrence in well-illuminated, fairly open sites”; shows “a distinct continental preference” Koski-Kotiranta & Niemelä 1988 (Scandinavia)
“standing trees and fallen branches and logs. Usually beech [Fagus]. Sometimes ash [Fraxinus], elm [Ulmus] and oak [Quercus] and possibly Betula pendula” [silver birch] Hampshire Biodiversity Partnership 2003 (UK).
“du chêne et du hêtre” [on oaks and on beech] Chevalier 1826:274 (France); Kastelwald near Colmar, on oak; Fir forest near Mulhouse on Fagus. Rastetter 1983 (France).
“dead wood of Fagus” Thongbai et alia 2015 (Europe).
“on large dead stems of deciduous trees, especially beech.” “predominately on the islands” Hansen & Veesterholt 2002 (Denmark).
On wood of deciduous trees. Domański et alia 1960 (in the valley of Volotsaty stream, SE Poland) (as Hericium diversidens (Fr.) Nikol.).
“on dead hardwood wood of birch, beech, oaks and others, on stumps and logs” Snowarski (Poland).
“On trunks of various trees.” Massee 1892.
“On a beech-tree. Epping Forest” Stevenson 1886.
“Oak, beech, birch, and fir trunks.” Rea 1922.
“dead fallen log” Atlas of Living Australia (VIC, Australia) ALA also includes two collections from Tasmania and two possible collections from Queensland.
Harrison 1984 gives two accounts of cirrhatus being collecting in the USA; one in New Mexico and one in Colorado.
Commonly described as too tough to be edible. Rea 1922 commented on the smell and taste being pleasant and the species being edible.