Abies alba (silver fir) Yurchenko 2002 (Belarus); Global Catalogue of Microorganisms (Czech Republic & Yugoslavia). [Ed.: was this H. alpestre?]
Abies borisii-regis (Bulgarian fir) “on” Zervakis et alia 1998 (Greece). [Ed.: was this H. alpestre?]
Abies fabri (Yunnan fir) “Decay” Chen 2003 (Tibet, China).
Abies firma (Momi fir) Kobayashi 2007 (Japan) (as H. ramosum).
Abies homolepis (Nikko fir) Kobayashi 2007 (Japan) (as H. ramosum).
Abies sp. (fir) ATCC (Yugoslavia). [Ed.: was this H. alpestre?]; Teng 1996 (China); Kobayashi 2007 (Japan) (as H. ramosum); “On decayed” Berkeley 1860 (UK); Jussieu ex Barrelier 1714:118 (as Fungus ramosus], Pollini 1824 and also Micheli 1720:122 (all 3 Italy). Rastetter 1983 seems also likely to be H. alpestre?
Abies spp. (firs) “White rot” Chen 2003 (Tibet, Sichuan, China)
Agathis australis (kauri) “fallen log” This is a conifer. ALA (6 finds from New Zealand: all were submitted as Hericium sp.)
Archontophoenix cunninghamii (Bangalow palm) “Host in contact with soil, fallen, dead, rotten [trunk]” ALA (Queensland, Australia).
Cupressus sp. (cedar) Pollini 1824 (Italy).
Dacrydium cupressinum (rimu) “well rotted podocarp” ALA (New Zealand). This is a conifer.
Ganoderma (?) Reported to have occurred on a Ganoderma fruiting body. Most likely the perception of the Ganoderma being the actual host was not accurate. It seems more probable that they were sharing the same host and became intimately associated. Also reported associated on a single host with Ganoderma. ALA (NZ); H. coralloides was also reported to have been found sharing the same host with a Ganoderma and in one case this was noted to be following it. ALA (Tasmania, Australia).
Picea abies (Norway spruce) Cybertruffle’s Robigalia citing Burova 1968:363. (1 record from Russia).
Picea engelmannii (Engelmann’s spruce) Ginns 1986 (Canada) [Ed.: was this H. abietis?].
Picea glauca (white spruce) Brambilla & Sutton 1969 (Manitoba, Canada) (as H. laciniatum) [Ed.: was this H. abietis?]; Conners 1967 (BC, Canada) [Ed.: was this H. abietis?]; McArthur 1966 (Alberta, Canada) (as H. laciniatum); Conners 1967. (Alberta, Canada) (as H. ramosum).
Picea sp. (spruce) Lowe 1969 (BC, Canada) (as H. ramosum) Noted as rare host; DAVFP (BC, Canada). [Ed.: Were these H. abietis?]
Pinus sylvestris (scots pine) “on trunk of supposedly living” Yurchenko 2002 (Belarus). [Ed.: H. alpestre?]
Podocarpaceae (these are conifers). Not identified beyond family. “dead standing tree” ALA (New Zealand).
Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) DAVFP (BC, Canada). [Ed.: H. abietis?]
Tsuga sieboldii (Southern Japanese hemlock) Kobayashi 2002 (Japan) (as H. ramosum).
“On decayed fir, beech, ash, &c.” Cooke 1871 United States)
Occurring on Abies (fir) and Picea (spruce). Gobice 2013.
Log in conifer forest. Thind & Khara 1975 (Jammu-Kashmir, India)
It grows on the stumps and dead trunks of deciduous trees, mainly birch, rarely beech, elm, alder, oak, linden, aspen, in mixed and deciduous, occasionally coniferous forests.” [citing Nikolaeva 1961]. Russian Red Book online (Mycology.su).